Collection: Epic
The father of Epic Cigars is a chap called Dean Parsons who, in his previous incarnations was a semi-pro hockey player, a Canadian Police Officer and a Real Estate mogul in the Caribbean. Dean has enjoyed cigars for over 25 years but, it wasn’t until he had relocated to the Dominican Republic in 2009 and was touring the island on a Harley Davidson, that he came up with the name that would represent his cigar - Epic. An Epic cigar for epic moments. Rather think he hit the nail on the head with the name.

Epic was launched in 2010 and Dean took the role full time in 2012. The cigars are made at the Charles Fairmon factory in Santiago de los Cabelleros, Dominican Republic.

Joe and I met Dean at the 2019 Intertabac show. It wasn’t a brand I knew much about, although I had seen it on IG and Facebook. He’s a self-made guy and made cigars that represent him and his tastes. After smoking a few samples we got, we agreed this was a brand that had to be available in the UK
We are proud to welcome Dean and Epic cigars to the Boutique Smokes portfolio for the UK Cigar Smoker